สะใภ้สายสตรอง | ภณ ณวัสน์ | Official MV

All my life I've been searching for answers
what kind of love I like
I don't think I don't dream that I've been looking for all along
It's you who's close to me

* She came to make life gray. Mine has turned bright
just understand the word whole world Stop spinning every time you make eye contact.
how is it

** The remaining half of my life from now on, I would like to give it to you.
the only one
I want the rest of your life from now on.
Can you take care of it? If you alright, tell me.

May the sky lead you to answer
that deep down in your heart you like (me)
I wish it wasn't just a dream
I don't want to be bruised as before.

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